Vote for Jim Moran & Krystal Ball

I VotedThe National NOW PAC urges NOW members in the 1st congressional district to vote for candidate Krystal Ball and in the 8th congressional district to vote for incumbent Representative Jim Moran. Virginia NOW PAC is convinced that these candidates are solidly supportive of NOW’s key issues and can be counted on to work actively to pass laws that promote women’s equality. Election Day is November 2.

Jim Moran has served the 8th district since 1991. His opponent, Republican Patrick Murray, moved to the district little more than a year ago and does not support our issues. He has called Roe v. Wade “…the worse decision ever handed down by the Supreme Court.” He pledged to repeal health care reform, supports Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and attacked his primary opponent for supporting gay rights. Moran has always supported a woman’s right to choose, opposes Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, worked to pass health care reform, and supports fiscally responsible and tax policy. See Moran’s voting record.

Krystal Ball, a certified public accountant (CPA), has focused on building healthy communities through economic prosperity, an educated citizenry, and a safe, healthy environment. She is an entrepreneur and a mother who is very knowledgeable about issues of concern to NOW members. Her opponent Rob Wittman has consistently received a 0 rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America because he has NEVER voted in favor reproductive rights. See Wittman’s voting record.

The 8th Congressional District includes: Arlington County, parts of Fairfax County, and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church.

The 1st Congressional District includes: the cities of entirety of: Fredericksburg, Poquoson and Williamsburg and the counties of Charles City, Essex, Fauquier, Gloucester, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northumberland, Prince William, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Westmoreland, and York and portions of Hampton and Newport News.

You can find complete voting and election day information at the Virginia State Board of Elections.

Krystal Ball- Not Tarnished by Wittman’s Dirty Politics

By Diana Egozcue, Virginia NOW President

Krystal Ball is the perfect example of a young woman whom you would want as a member of Congress. She is smart with a capital S, approachable, savvy, an entrepreneur, a mother, and very knowledgeable about issues concerning Virginia and the United States. But in politics the operative word is WOMAN. The Republicans have put up a record number of women for office and called this year the year of the woman in politics, but these women do not represent the ideas or issues of feminists. Sarah Palin has co-opted the word feminist, but has no idea what the word means. Krystal Ball does.

Krystal’s opponent in the 1st Congressional District, Rob Wittman, has decided to play dirty politics. The photos of Krystal that were posted on a far right blog were private pictures from a party she attended with her then-husband. Many of us have done things when we were younger that we’d just as soon forget. We should not have to defend Krystal.

Why is it that women candidates have to be as pure as the driven snow to run for office? You have to wonder what pictures like these would have done to Rob Wittman. I would guess back slapping and wink wink from men. What is it that allows senators from Louisiana and Nevada to get away with paying prostitutes and mistresses with no outcry from the Republican party? They cried foul when Republican Nicky Haley was accused of having affairs and when Republican Meg Whitman was called a whore for taking bribes from the police fund, but then they turn around and call Krystal Ball a whore.

Krystal represents TRUE feminists in Virginia and women everywhere who want the U.S. to become more like the democracy we profess to be. If we are true feminists we need to support our women candidates with time and money and to be activists wherever we’re needed. Sitting home and being angry does no good. We need to enlist people to protest the inequality around us and demand our rights as women. Krystal Ball will be my congresswoman because I know she’s the right choice, and I will be proud to have the youngest woman in Congress bringing new ideas to Virginia. Lord knows we need them since our national image is that of Neanderthals!