Hey, We’re Throwing a Great Conference and You Should Come!

Richmond NOW and Virginia NOW

are pleased, thrilled, excited, and delighted 

to invite you to our young feminists conference.

April 10-12, 2015

Richmond, Virginia


on Facebook and Twitter

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Conference Registration, Saturday Meal Pre-Order, Get Our Newsletters

(*) Guests may also register at the door.
Cash or check only, in that case.

To Reserve a Hotel Room, Visit the Conference Page Here.

Room and Ride Share

Guests may arrange to share rooms and rides to Richmond on our Facebook event page.
Please watch the event page closely for these requests! Please be sure to protect your privacy.
Use the Private Message feature to exchange information.

For a Printable Agenda, Click Here.

Also, a complete description of the conference.

– See more at: http://www.vanow.org/join/2015-conference

Save the Date! 2015 Young Feminists Conference April 10-12

Registration Opens Soon!

Watch This Space!

Virginia NOW is excited to invite you to our first annual Young Feminists Conference. This weekend will be a chance for all Virginia’s feminist generations to meet, build or deepened friendships and alliances, and educate each other. Virginia NOW knows from its own long history that feminists of each generation bring vital knowledge, strategies, and energy to the movement. We are still working for equality and inclusiveness with outstanding business like Equal Pay, Family-friendly Workplaces, Reproductive Justice, and the Equal Rights Amendment. And, we are confronted by a bright new century of great promise and challenge.


To make this century the century in which we get it right, we must increase the inclusion of the beloved community, deepen the intersectionality of our feminism to include more political, social, cultural, and environmental work. Feminism is the belief that women are human beings, but for us that just the beginning! 

But this won’t exist without you being a part of the process. This conference is part of a journey that started long before us, and will be here when we are gone. As we continue globalizing our technology-driven society, the intersectionality of social justice and how it affects our modern feminist movement can no longer be left out of the conversation. The elephants in the room: racism, classism, heteronormativity, ableism, the list continues. It’s time to take off our blindfolds and see the elephant.

When we get comfortable, we revert back to old stereotypes and oppression. This movement is an ever evolving process, and we are asking for you to join in the creation. When you raise up a woman, you raise up a whole nation, and we are redefining sisterhood, one conversation at a time. Will you join us?

To these ends, this two day conference will open Friday evening with a reception and happy hour, and a evening of feminist films and photo booth fun! The topics of the conference will include grassroots organizing and running for office, increasing our cultural competency for a global future and the diversity of queer politics, as well as discussions on feminist motherhood and more socially just approaches to fair housing, mental health, personal and community safety, and body positivity. We’ll close Sunday afternoon with a quick feedback session and time left to talk and visit. There could be more! We are still finalizing the agenda.

Our coordinator, Vicki Yeroian and her team in Richmond, including members of Richmond NOW, have been dedicated to coordination of this conference. The cost of the conference all goes to pay for the venue, stipends and travel for the speakers, and for equipment costs. The panels and discussions should be inspiring, challenging, and empowering. Virginia NOW’s officers and staff eagarly look forward to seeing you at the conference and strengthening our alliances and impact on the future of all the women of the Commonwealth. Please, do join us.

Double Tree Hotel 

 Conference takes place in the hotel’s Shenandoah Ballroom, 2nd Floor.

Address: 1021 Koger Center Blvd., Richmond, Va. 23235 (Actually, Midlothian).

(*) Please, register by phone and mention that you are with the Virginia National Organization for Women. Please be prepared to indicate the number and names of guests staying in your room.

Telephone: (804) 379-3800 or 1-800-222-TREE.

Rooms: All the rooms are doubles and allow up to 4 guests per room. $119 per night (Friday and Saturday). We have 40 rooms reserved for attendees.

(*) This special rate is available ONLY UNTIL MARCH 20th!!

Parking and Accessibility: The hotels offers a full compliment of accessibility features including an elevator and accessible rooms. Guests will self-park in the hotel’s parking lot. There is a covered parking foyer for drop-off and pick-up.

Meals and Snacks: Virginia NOW will provide a choice of simple bag lunches on Saturday. Please indicate your choice of meal when you register at Constant Contact. The hotel restaurant, The Midlo Bistro Cafe, is a full service restaurant with service from breakfast at 6:30 am through dinner until 10:00 pm.

Nearby Restaurants: There’s a shopping mall and a variety of well-reviewed restaurants within a few minutes walk or drive from the hotel.

 Room and Ride Share

Guests may arrange to share rooms and rides to Richmond on our Facebook event page.
Please watch this page closely for these requests!
Please be sure to protect your privacy. Use the Private Message feature to exchange information.

The 1st Woman President Needs Equal Rights!!!

Dear Virginia,

Happy ERA Monday, and Happy Presidents Day!! It’s a double day, and I have a double request of you.

First: Del. Mark Cole holds an open house at his office tomorrow, Feb. 17. Activists will be present as the weather allows,
but snow can’t stop email, or phone calls!!!

Click here for a post with a great email for Chair Cole and his contact information. Tell him the ERA MUST BE PUT ON THE DOCKET and moved into the full Privileges and Elections Committee.

Please, send the same email to Speaker Howell.

This committee is heavily resistant. We must push hard this week! On the same post, you can contact the whole committee.

When pressed, their objections tend to crumble down to traditional and fundamentalist forms of sexism. Show them that’s the only reason they could refuse us our rights.

Feel some tweetage coming on? Yeah, me too.

To tweet the House: @VaHouse.
To tweet the House GOP: @vahousegop.
To tweet the Hosue Dems: @VAHouseDems.

1st Woman #POTUS deserves full #civilrights, #RatifyERA, SJ 216 on the P&E docket!!

(*)   (*)   (*)

Second, in honor of Presidents Day, I ask you for one more action.

The fundamental political difference between the first woman president and all the men before her is that she might not enjoy fully protected civil rights under the Constitution she will swear to defend and protect.

Clinton? Warren? … Clinton/Warren?
Warren/Clinton? President Seal
Who knows.

This week, let’s focus on the Senate.

Send them this email:
Email Page for Senator Warner
Email Page for Senator Kaine
Subject: Please Support Women’s Civil Rights, Lift the Deadline on Ratification

Dear Honorable Senator _______,

You serve with women who swear to protect and defend the Constitution, but are not fully protected by it. Our nation’s daughters have long risked their lives in our wars, but are not yet fully protected by that Constitution.

On this Presidents Day, consider: our next president could well be a woman — who still may not be fully invested with the civil rights enshrined in our laws.

This is an inconsistency that should not stand for one more year. This March when Senator Cardin offers a new resolution, please sign on to support it and then encourage your colleagues to do so — especially friendlier Republicans. Cardin aims for vigorous bi-partisan support.

Ratification of Equal Rights Amendment would accomplish one civil goal: it would mend the patchwork of laws that currently tack together the rag doll of women’s citizenship.

I urge you to join which would remove the historically aberrant and wholly arbitrary deadline on ratification.

Justices Scalia and Ginsberg agree on one thing: the 14th Amendment clearly applies only to “male citizens” and “male inhabitants” of the Republic. What “rights” women do have are only supported by laws and statutes — all of which can change given a hostile political wind.

Our nation’s women are caught in a stalemate. States wait for a signal from Congress, Congress for a signal from the states. Be first, lead, honor the nation’s women with fully established civil rights. Assure us that a future female president will not be so civilly vulneralby as women are today. Send the signal — it’s time for ratification. Lift the deadline.

Let the Constitution protect and defend our women as our women do the Constitution.

With my lasting gratitude for your service to our state and the nation,
Your Name
City, State

New Foremothers Oral History Videos Up

New Foremothers Oral History Videos Up.


You’re Invited to Women’s Lobby Day, Feb. 4.

Wednesday, February 4, is Women’s Lobby Day at the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond. Let’s show our strength and numbers by being there and speaking up.

What happens Wednesday? You can get an up-close look at the legislative process. Go to committee meetings, visit your elected representatives and other decision-makers, and see the House and Senate chambers. Join a terrific group of women for lunch (or have lunch on your own) and then visit the lieutenant governor’s office, arranged by the League of Women Voters.

The day starts at 8:30 am at the League of Women Voters Legislative Roundtable, 4th Floor at the General Assembly Building at 9th and Broad Streets. Legislators and advocates will address the roundtable on a variety of issues.

Please take a moment to be sure you have your delegate’s and senator’s contact information, which is here (type your address in the right corner). Please contact me if you have questions.

Important bills that Virginia NOW supports this session include:

The Equal Rights Amendment

Reporting Sexual Assault on Campuses

Repeal of Mandatory Ultrasound Prior to an Abortion

Legally Allowing Breast-feeding in Public Places

Removing Firearms From Domestic Abusers

Non-Partisan Redistricting

Expanded Definition of Stalking

Thank you for reading this and for all you do every day for equality. Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday.

Marj Signer, VA NOW Legislative V-P