For information on VA NOW PAC priorities, click here.
For consideration by the PAC, candidates must request endorsement.

The National Organization for Women and Virginia NOW endorse the following the candidates for the US House of Representatives:

Suzanne Patrick,  for Virginia’s Second District:

Number 1 on her priorities list, Jobs and the Economy: To me, standing up for the middle class means fighting to create and protect high paying jobs here in Virginia. I’ll do that by fighting for our port, military facilities, and the small businesses that keep our local economy thriving. My business and military background fuel my commitment to growing our local economy to strengthen opportunities for middle class families.”

One violence against women: “I agree with Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth’s approach of giving victims two options: (1) stay within the chain of command, or (2) give victims and alternative option outside the chain of command but still within the military to bring perpetrators to justice.”

Lawrence Gaughan, for Virginia’s Fifth District:

Gaughan hopes to represent a large and diverse district, and one of Virginia’s most conservative. Jobs and education are his top two issues, but he clearly states his support for women’s and LBGTQ equality, for reproductive justice, for protecting voting rights, and for background checks for weapon purchases.

John Foust, for Virginia’s Tenth District: 

Foust is challenging Rep. Barbara Comstock, one of our more notable anti-feminist female politicians. Vienna Area NOW is running phone banks supporting Foust. Of the effort, Val Dutton, president of the chapter writes:

“Dial it up for a Woman-to-Woman phone bank for John Foust, candidate for the 10th District, from 3 to 5 pm on Oct. 12th at the Foust McLean headquarters, 6888 Elm St. Even if you’re not in the 10th District, we need your help in this race against the formidable and well-funded extremist Barbara Comstock. I’ll provide snacks and beverages. Phone banking can seem intimidating, but this is a process that really works and is fun once you get your groove! Additionally, we’ll speak only to the women of the household, telling them why we think John is a pro-woman kind of guy!”

Also, he’s got a sharp sense of humor (click here).

 Elliot Fausz, Virginia’s Fourth District, for the US Congress:

Fousz is particularly keen to bring better infrastructure, student loan debt relief, and economic stimulus to Virginia’s 4th. We can’t tell you what candidates say on our questionaires, but we can tell you this: Fousz was detailed, original, and energetic in describing his positions on our issues. He has a dedicated Twitter hashtag: #FouszintheHouse.

In the election for Manassas City Council, Virginia NOW has endorsed:

Patricia Richie-Folks, for City Council:

Richie-Folks is deeply interested in economic development in Manassas such as developing heavier use of the local airport, promoting the area to the technology industry, and working to improve commuter infrastructure — especially the Route 28 corridor. She will look to protect and enhance Manassas public school system, and deepen the city’s support of its police department by bringing the number of officers more fully inline with the city’s population.

The council is, at present, well populated with male representatives of the city. A woman with good ideas is running, Manassas, we do hope you will welcome and vote for her energy and forward thinking agenda!






Voter ID laws have changed. If you need help getting a proper ID and registering to vote,  ID Ready-Set-Vote will help you get a Virginia Voter Photo ID Card through your local general registrar’s office. People needing a ride to their registrar’s office to obtain an ID or needing to register to vote can call 641.715.3900 ext. 437084# and they will give you a FREE RIDE.

Forms of ID valid for the 2014 elections are:

– Valid Virginia Driver’s License or Identification Card.
– Valid Virginia DMV issued Veteran’s ID card.
– Valid United States Passport.
– Valid Employee photo identification card issued by an employer of the voter in the ordinary course of the employer’s business.
– Valid college or university student photo identification card from an institution of higher education located in Virginia.
– Other government-issued photo identification cards issued by the U.S. Government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, or a political subdivision of the Commonwealth.

Virginia NOW would like to thank the following coalition of organizations that pulled together to create ID Ready-Set-Vote. Thank you About PHACE, First AME Church, League of Women Voters VA, NARAL VA, Primary Matters, Progress VA, PW NAACP, PWC NOW, VA New Majority, thank you for your dedication to voter access and to the civil rights of all Virginians! 

Medical Privacy: Not So Private


Many patients don’t realize that a physician’s ability to service the community can be suspended or retracted entirely by the DEA for their patient’s misuse or diversion of drugs.

(*)  ###  (*)

Why is this an issue for the everyday American who never intends to overdose or abuse their prescription dosage?




The DEA is implementing stricter and stricter regulations on physicians and their ability to provide prescriptions. They are also enforcing legal penalties for abuse of prescription drugs on the doctor who prescribed them as well as the patient who actually broke “regulation”.

For example, if a patient went to a second doctor in addition to their primary one to gain a second prescription, the DEA now uses the Prescription Monitoring Program to enforce the legal repercussions against the doctors who prescribed a medication for their patient in addition to the person who committed the crime.

(*)    The DEA’s agenda is not medical. It is political.   (*)


They are expecting doctors to be responsible for their patient’s actions outside of the office.

  • Why is it the doctor’s fault if a patient were to overdose on a medication?
  • Why should the doctor to go prison or lose their medical license if their patient obtained duplicate medications from another physician?


They shouldn’t be. They’re not cops. They’re there to provide the best health care possible. They can’t do this if the DEA puts so many barriers in their way that they’re afraid to write up a legitimate prescription that could save a life, prolong a life, or enrich one.

The DEA is the enforcing arm of this agenda, the “messenger”.


The Department of Health and Human Services (through the Food and Drug Administration) has the responsibility of making medical recommendations on drug related issues to the Secretary of Health based on scientific evaluations.

Beyond the medical spectrum, the Office of Diversion Control (DEA Headquarters) has expanded its department making it a primary goal to “regulate” controlled substances in hopes of decreasing drug abuse.

Under federal law, all businesses which manufacture or distribute controlled drugs, all health professionals entitled to dispense, administer or prescribe them, and all pharmacies entitled to fill prescriptions must register with the DEA. Registrants must comply with a series of regulatory requirements relating to drug security, records accountability, and adherence to standards.

All of these investigations are conducted by Diversion Investigators (DIs), a specialist position within the DEA assigned to investigate suspected sources of diversion and take appropriate criminal and/or administrative actions. Prescription Database Management Programs (PDMP) aid and facilitate investigation and surveillance.

Sometimes in an effort to solve a problem, we end up creating a new one. Sometimes with the most sincere motivations, laws do more to restrict our freedom than to protect the innocent.


Our privacy, protection, and freedom rely on the level of medical expertise and the direct relationship between doctor and patient access permitted within our healthcare system.


Fight for the future.

 (*)  ###  (*)
